Product Description
Freeman Outdoor Gear 4" Model 451 Fixed Blade: Gen II
Info from the Freeman Outdoor Gear Website:
This is the 2nd generation of the original 4" Fixed Blade with improved ergonomics and functionality.
The CPM MagnaCut drop point blade features a machined fuller and primary flat grind with a secondary swedge or "false edge" for maximum toughness and piercing ability.
The blade is heat treated to a hardness of 61-62 Rc and the cutting edge is ground razor sharp at a 34 degree included angle (17 degrees per side). Includes a hammer pommel surface with both guard and pommel lanyard holes.
The handle scales are CNC machined from tough epoxy laminate G-10 or Micarta with milled diamond texture and grooves for a secure and comfortable grip. The 3D handle shape with palm swell provides an ergonomic and balanced grip for use in multiple positions. Black oxide coated stainless steel screws lock the components into place.
The custom Kydex machined and thermo-formed sheath features a secure and tight friction fit with multiple attachment points. Includes two Maxpedition TacTie PJC3 Polymer Joining Clips for belt carry or Pouch Attachment Ladder System (PALS) attachment methods. Includes a 1/8" shock cord lanyard and secondary retention method.
- Knife Name: 4" Gen II Model 451 Fixed Blade
- Designer: Freeman Outdoor Gear
- Overall Length: 9"
- Blade Length: 4”
- Blade Thickness: .187” (3/16")
- Blade Steel: CPM MagnaCut
- Blade Hardness: 61-62 HRc
- Blade Style: Full-Tang Fixed Blade, Drop Point
- Blade Finish: Cerakote ceramic coating
- Handle Material: Machined G-10 or Micarta synthetic sheet
- Overall Thickness (across handles): 0.70"
- Sheath Material: Machined and thermo-formed Kydex
- Knife Weight: 9 oz
- Sheath Weight: 3 oz
- Knife with Sheath Weight: 12 oz
Note from Jeff: The 4" Gen II is a heavy duty hard use field knife that is a great cutting tool for the hunter, Bush Crafter, hiker, camper, service member or LEO personnel. Made here in Brownsville, Oregon by FOG with American made materials.
This is a tough and tested all-around field knife and comes with a lifetime warranty and lifetime free sharpening.
Please know and understand your local laws and regulations BEFORE purchasing this item.
By purchasing, the BUYER declares that he/she:
- Is legally entitled to purchase, own, carry and use a knife of this type, and is of legal AGE to do so.
- Is legally entitled to receive the item at the shipping address provided with payment.
- Agrees that the Seller assumes ABSOLUTELY NO LIABILITY for your purchase.